Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fridays to Remember

The Dillon Panthers are American’s Team. The fictional high school football squad featured in Friday Night Lights is so beloved around the country that NBC decided to renew the show for 22 new episodes starting this October. Why was there such strong support? Apart from the teenage love triangles and domestic dilemmas facing the Taylor’s, the creators of the show allowed football fans from Texas to Terre Haute to remember what it felt like to put your heart and hopes on the line for your home team.

The show brings back memories of putting on your team colors on Friday mornings; counting down the minutes to the pep rallies on Friday afternoons; and of course, cheering under the lights on Friday nights. Well Ravens fans, you don’t have to go back to high school to savor those moments anymore - you don’t even to watch the Panthers play – all you need to do to rekindle the fire is take part in Purple Fridays this fall.

Each and every Friday throughout the season, starting on September 7th, Ravens fans around the city and across the state are being asked to wear their pride on their sleeves, literally, by wearing purple attire to work and to school. It could be the excuse you’ve been looking for to wear the custom jersey you had made last Christmas, the purple boa that doesn’t match anything else in the closet, or the purple tie your kids bought you for Father’s Day. And if you’re really daring, I mean passionate, throw on some eye black and shoulder pads and tackle the water cooler Terry Tate style. It’s sure to spark conversation around the water, err, coffee machine on Monday.

Dressing the part is only the first part of Purple Fridays as the bars of Baltimore and various Bill Bateman’s locations will play host to pep rally style soirĂ©es beginning on the 7th. Beer and wing discounts are special enough, but Poe and both Ravens Cheerleaders and the new Ravens Playmakers will help put the pep in the rally. Chants, cheeseburgers, and cheerleaders will bring you back to your days at The Max and The Peach Pit.

Your support doesn’t have to end when you pay your tab, however, as Baltimoreans showed last January during the week before the Divisional Playoffs. The town had a purple tint thanks to the efforts of Ravens fans from Cross Street to Canton. Purple lights adorned the windows of homes and offices. Purple flags flew off the backs of cars and trucks. And homemade purple banners – think homecoming floats – adorned some of the city’s most notable addresses.

Of course the crowning culmination of any football weekend is the game itself. Whether it’s Dillon vs Gatling, City vs. Poly, or Ravens vs. Bengals, the action on the field is the foundation for the fervor. The players feed off the emotion of the fans and vice versa. The team plays to win, but more importantly, they play for their state, their city, and their town. On Friday’s this fall, remind the Ravens who they’re playing for and remember when Friday nights under the lights were all that mattered.

This article originally appeared on BaltimoreRavens.com before the start of the 2007 season

Don’t Call Him Zeus

Eleven years in the NFL earned him a reputation for being a rugged, rowdy, staunch, trash-talking, flat-out nasty offensive lineman. A man labeled the dirtiest player in the league by Sports Illustrated. A man you would follow into the trenches, but would avoid in a dark alley. A man who evoked fear in opponents and amongst most mortal men, earning him the nickname, Zeus. But after nearly 2 years away from the game, the 360-lb mountain of a man is now simply known as Orlando. Or ‘Coach’ by his little league football team.

“They just call me Coach Brown.” Said Orlando Brown of his mostly 5th grade football squad, which includes his 11 year-old son. Orlando did not plan on coaching when he was released by the Ravens in the spring of 2006, and was not going to force his kids on to the field either. But when his youngest son called to beg his father to allow him to play, Zeus knew it was time to hang up his helmet, pick up the whistle and return to life as Orlando.

His son, and the love of the game, brought Brown back to football, but during his first few months out of uniform; he questioned whether or not he would ever return. “It’s been hard,” said Brown. “You go through withdrawal. I played the game for the contact and aggression, to try and make another man bow down. You can’t do that in the regular world.”

Some of the most meaningful moments for the former Raven in the regular world have been the time spent teaching his 6’, 258-lb mini-Zeus the game he loves. “At that level, its like playing chess,” said Brown he as he described the lessons he has tried to teach the next generation of footballers. “You line them up; you go here, you block here. Then when they have a chance to make a play, the emotion comes back. I’ll yell, ‘Finish him! Like you do in the video game!’ ”

Orlando’s career appeared finished in 1999 when a penalty flag hit him in the right eye, causing a series of serious vision problems. He would spend four years out of the game and doubted whether he would ever play again. Remarkably, he would return to the NFL as a Baltimore Raven in 2003 and served admirably at right tackle for 3 more seasons. However, the time away from the field allowed Brown to contemplate his professional future as he began planning for life after football. “After my eye injury, I knew I needed something to fall back on.” Brown explained.

He would look to another athlete whose playing days were prematurely cut short, Magic Johnson, who has had success in the business world since retiring from the NBA after being diagnosed with HIV. One such investment that peaked Orlando’s interest was a restaurant chain whose name seemed apropos for the former lineman, Fatburger. The self-proclaimed ‘Last Great Hamburger Stand’ has attracted a number of high profile investors in addition to the Magic man, who has since left the franchise, including Kanye West, Montell Williams and Queen Latifah.

Brown’s plan includes the opening of 10 locations in the Baltimore/DC area over the next six years, with the first schedule to start serving in the spring of 2008. And don’t be surprised to see Orlando cooking up some Kingburgers behind the counter as he claims, “I can’t learn watching a chalkboard. I need to experience it.”

In addition to a possible stint behind the grill, Brown has also spent some time behind the mic as a panelist on RaveTV’s weekly roundtable, Purple Passion. The show features both Raven and Baltimore Colt alumni including Brown, Kyle Richardson, Qadry Ismail and Wally Williams, along with host Keith Mills. Brown enjoyed the experience and wouldn’t rule out a future in the booth, however, he might not be suited for the anchor desk. “I’d rather go in the locker room and interview,” said Brown of his broadcasting career. “I’d want to ask how’d it feel to get your butt kicked today.”

Brown probably wouldn’t get too much push back from his former teammates as he still keeps in touch with some of the veteran Ravens, including Ray Lewis. “I tell Ray, when you leave this game, man…” Brown remarked as he remembered how hard it was for him to finally call it a career. “He loves the game. He plays harder and harder each week. A guy like that – he loves the pain.”

Orlando once shared that passion for punishment and still feels an ache for the pain. “I do miss football [and] I do miss that pain.” Once he was able to move past the pain, from both opponents and from being away from the action, he was finally able to bring himself to the stadium to watch a game from the stands. “It took me a while,” said Brown, “I knew once I heard the crowd, I was going to want to play.” Fortunately, Brown made it through the game without rushing the field, although he was still itching to fight. However, this is the regular world, and as Brown said, “You got to be civilized. You got to be Orlando.”

This article was a part of a series highlighting Baltimore football alumni for BaltimoreRavens.com

Choice Words

There’s less than two minutes left in the game. You’re down by one. It’s fourth and goal from the two. The country is watching. The kicker is waiting. The long snapper swings his arm back. And now all you have to do is catch and plant the same football you’ve spent your whole life holding. And then…

Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books? If this were one of them, the options could read something like this:

If you choose to fumble the snap and come up two yards short of the end zone after trying to scramble for a score, turn to page 2007, your season is over.

If you choose to correctly place the ball laces out as a swift kick knocks it from underneath your fingers through the uprights for three points, return home a conquering hero, you’ve helped your team win the Super Bowl.

During last season’s Wild Card weekend, Tony Romo infamously found himself turning the page on 2006 after costing the Dallas Cowboys a chance to advance in the playoffs. Six years earlier, former Ravens punter, and place-kick holder, Kyle Richardson was worried he might suffer a similar fate on the grandest stage in sports. “I was more nervous about holding than punting,” said Richardson on his feelings before Super Bowl XXXV. “They [the media] said it was going to come down to a field goal and be on the foot of Stover, which meant it was going to be on the hands of me.”

Fortunately for all of Ravens Nation, Richardson chose a more prosperous path than Romo and returned home to Baltimore a World Champion. Richardson would spend one more season with the Ravens, followed by a year with the Minnesota Vikings, before rejoining the AFC North as a member of the Cincinnati Bengals in 2003. “I got back to the black and blue division,” Richardson recalled after receiving a call from a familiar voice. “Marvin [Lewis] called me at my house and said ‘I want you to come play for me’ and I enjoyed watching him bring that team along.”

Unfortunately for Kyle, all he could do was watch in 2004 as he was forced to sit out the entire year due to a torn bicep injury suffered in the pre-season. Now how in the world does a punter end up tearing a muscle in his arm? “On a return the Red Sea parts and I’m the last line of defense.” Richardson said of the fateful play in Tampa Bay. “He hit me going 100 miles per hour and I’m at ground zero. I stick out my arm and the guy took my left arm about 10 yards with him.”

Richardson’s road back required a lot of hard work and rehab, however, the time spent on the sidelines served him well and would eventually lead him back to Baltimore once again. “It was a whole new environment for me.” Said Richardson on not playing the game he grew up with. “I got to sit back and watch some of the other sides of football. Some of the inner workings. I was able to look and watch how coaches coach and how organizations are run.”

Not only did Kyle get to see what it was like behind the scenes of the NFL, he began learning more about what it was like behind the media microscope. While recovering, he became friendly with some of the members of the media in Cincinnati and for the first time was exposed to the world in which they operate. Of course he wasn’t sold on a career switch just yet. “I wanted to be out there on the field. You lose control of a career when those kinds of things happen.”

Kyle finally found his way back on to the field the following year, still in the AFC North, but this time in Cleveland for what would be his last year of action. And although he has hung up the pads for the time being, he hasn’t strayed to far from the gridiron. In 2006, Kyle returned to The Charm City and saddled up behind the microphone as a frequent studio guest on the Anita Marks Show on ESPN Radio. “I got my toe wet in the market,” said Richardson. “Trial by fire. But I really enjoyed it.”

Making the transition from punter to pundit seemed to go smoothly for Kyle, although there were some aspects of the job that caught him by surprise, “Just talking the talk. Filling up some time and getting across what you really want to say, but not just saying it in two words. It was three-hour blocks of conversation.”

Earlier this year, Richardson chose to continue down the press path and will have another half hour each week to find the right words as co-host of a new television show airing on MASN this season called Purple Passion, a roundtable discussion with former Ravens and Baltimore Colts. “I’m looking forward to getting better at whatever this craft is.” Said Richardson on his emerging career behind the camera. “I consider myself an entrepreneur. I’m not a cubicle kind of guy.” As a result, Kyle has chosen the confines of the studio for his next adventure. And judging by his previous performances under pressure, it’s safe to assume that this move will prove to be the right choice once again.

This article was a part of a series highlighting Baltimore football alumni for BaltimoreRavens.com

Your Sunday Best

A new installation on the Geppi’s Entertainment Club Level at M&T Bank Stadium features quotes by some of the most devoted fans of the Baltimore Ravens. One such quote just inside section 219 reads:

“It’s a chance to dress in purple, scream until we lose our voices, laugh and cry and feel like a kid again.”
- Linda, Parkville, MD

I’m sure Linda meant what she said, but judging by the female fans that flock to see our footballers play each week in the fall, I’d say it’s mostly about the whole dressing in purple thing. Women just have more experience working with the color - and it shows. Over the last twelve years, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends have continually made purple, black, and even a little pink the colors of choice for their autumn ensembles. Collectively, they form a substantial community of Ravens Nation and root for the men on the field as loud and as proud as any of our feathered fans.

The clothing choices do vary, but most don’t stray too far from the regal. And not just with their jerseys, as women can be seen wearing purple boas and beads around their necks, purple Ugg’s on their feet, purple tanks and halter tops of all sizes, purple accessories of all shapes, purple eyeliner on their faces and even purple camo-patterned hats on their heads. And I must say the ranger hat comes off much more appealing than the cargo pants that fill the stands most Sundays.

Of course jerseys are still a dominant part of the attire, and some non-scientific research (i.e. watching the crowds file in from Ravens Walk and Ostend St.) show that a few players are preferred. Numbers 3, 7, 20, 52, and 55 all make strong showings, but by far the most supported star among the women of Ravenstown is #86. Sorry ladies, Todd Heap is married and has 3 beautiful children - including twins - but please continue to show your support.

Wardrobes are just one way for women to show their pride, as tailgating rituals are just as wide spread among our female fans. Dawn Tognocchi of Towson has been a second ticket holder since 1998 and her RavensRV is the epicenter for game day gatherings in Lot G. The attention is warranted with a tailgate menu that features homemade meatballs, crab balls, and fried turkey cooked on-site. The RV itself attracts its fair share of followers as well, with a working television, a working bathroom and a select collection of autographed memorabilia adorning the walls.

Dawn isn’t the only woman making waves in the parking lots, at least not this year, as the girls of Abingdon also made a strong showing during the Giants-Ravens preseason game this August. Six girls in all. All from the same neighborhood, including two pairs of mothers and daughters. Their ages? Nineteen thru 39-plus was all they would admit.

Most had been to a game before, but this was the first all girls night for the sextet of starlets and their significant others sent them off with words laced with envy. “Ill just watch it on TV,” said one boyfriend, shocked that her girlfriend was going to the game – without him! “Our husbands took pictures of all us leaving in our jerseys,” said Terry, one of the Mom’s making the trip sans spouse. Of course the outfits followed the trends with Heap represented twice, in both purple and pink, followed by Boller, Reed, a “Paint the town purple” tee, and a custom jersey that simply read, “Betty Sue, #39”. Who could argue with her, she said she was 39 and had the threads to prove it.

On the other end of the spectrum, both daughters sported matching faux tattoo Ravens bracelets – think LiveStrong in purple and without the rubber. Apparently the younger generation has some fan fashions of their own this fall. Betty Sue and the rest of you take note; you may have the ‘dressed in purple’ part down, but now its time to start feeling and acting like a kid again. The season is upon us, get ready to scream and laugh and keep the crying for the men you left at home. It’s time to put on your Sunday best. I bet I know what color you’re wearing.

This article originally appeared on BaltimoreRavens.com as part of their women's fan club, Purple.

Tailgating: Well Done

Tailgating dates to the origins of football in America, but in Baltimore, many fans allude to the opening of Ravens Stadium as the turning point in their pre-game festivities. “We’ve had season tickets since day one at Memorial Stadium,” said Jim Turner of Ellicott City, MD. “But there wasn’t good space for tailgating there. When the new stadium opened, our tailgating really began.” Over the last 10 years, Jim and the rest of RavensNation have taken advantage of the added parking to perfect the art of the tailgate, and the sports world has taken notice.

In his evaluation of the tailgating experience for all 32 NFL teams, Sports Illustrated’s Paul Forrester described the typical scene on a fall Sunday in Charm City as being, “Surrounded by a flood of purple, RVs, grills and Ravens' flags. The lots near the stadium resemble a Ravens village that is packed from the second they open."

This village, however, barely resembles the fleeting fiefdoms formed by the original NFL parking lot dwellers. In 1919, the first year of the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin farmers would back their pickup trucks around the edge of an open field, drop their tailgates to serve as seats, and eat a prepared picnic while watching their team play. Nearly ninety years later, the tailgate process has evolved, with branded busses replacing the pickups; games of pleasure taking the place of the game itself; and feasts fit for kings, rather than meals that fit in a picnic basket, for those wearing the royal hue.

In addition to the food that feeds the tailgate troop, the vehicles that bring fans to Baltimore have become just as vital – and varied. “It’s a ’79 Dodge something,” said Turner as he described his purple van emblazoned with raven eyes over the grill and original shag carpeting. “We put in a couple hundred bucks a year to keep it going,” Turner added. “And the working bathroom is very popular.”

The ’79 shag isn’t the only car making its mark as Ravenesqe road warriors dot the asphalt landscape. From the “Dirty Dozen” camper parked near the corner of Russell and Ostend St., to the black box truck in Lot G that reads, “Emergency Response Tailgate”, Ravens fans have found many ways to wear their hearts on their hoods. And it doesn’t always stop at the front-end as one Jeep that sits alongside RavensWalk is completely covered in hand painted Ravens regalia, including a Baltimore skyline on the driver-side and a Super Bowl trophy on the passenger door. Quite literally, the art of tailgating come to life.

While fans of the feathered await the action on the field, their competitive drive has developed into a desire to play themselves. The games before the game range from the traditional – having a catch or two-hand touch – to the regional, with lacrosse sticks nearly as prevalent as pigskins. One activity that has grown in popularity is the tailgate toss, also known as corn hole. Consisting of beanbags (sometimes filled with corn) and a wooden ramp with a hole in it, the appeal seems to be part portability, part practicality. “I think it's become so popular because it is a very mobile game and easy to bring along for tailgating.” Said Saul Kloper of Curtis Bay, MD who has been playing on and off for a few years. “Also, it is an easy game to pick up and anyone can play.” It’s also easy to play with a burger or beverage in one hand. The objective of the tailgate toss, other than biding time while the steaks season, is to toss the bags in to the hole. That’s it. Points are tallied, teams are formed, and sometimes the slopes slant at different angles, especially when they’re homemade, but for the most part, the game’s the same and surprisingly stimulating.

The most prominent component of the pre-game pastime, however, takes place on the grilliron. Culinary creations range from pork chops to pancakes, but in the Old Line State, the cuisine of choice is the fruit de mer, or rather, the fruit de Chesapeake. Shrimp cocktail, seafood kabobs, bouillabaisse, clams, oysters, gumbo, scallops and even lobster line the paper plates at most parties. But the grub that makes even University of Maryland Basketball coach Gary Williams give a second look is the mighty blue crab. “He [Williams] was walking quickly through the tailgate crowd until he got to our location.” Said Sharon Kroupa, who has had season tickets since 1996 and along with her brother host an annual crab fest in the shadows of the stadium. “He stopped and looked with envy, as did most of the tailgaters that day, before giving his smiling approval and taking off.”

The smell of Old Bay is a signature scent among Baltimoreans and it is only fitting that the flavor finds a way into the building nicknamed “The Big Crab Cake” by ESPN’s official moniker maker, Chris Berman. But it’ not just the crab cakes and steaks that are well done. Forrester, who ranked the Ravens game day atmosphere 5th out of all 32 teams, awarded Baltimore an 8 out of 10 in the tailgate department as he declared, "For a downtown stadium there isn't much more you could ask for."

And not only does the Baltimore bash rank higher than 26 other NFL cities, but the purple and black also appear to be the clear victor in the intra-state tailgate rivalry. "Ravens fans seemed to know their tailgating stuff a lot better.” Said sportswriter Andrew Kulyk, when asked to compare the tailgates of the Ravens and Redskins for an article by Dan Steinberg of The Washington Post. “They seemed to be better decorated, more creative, with a more creative use of public spaces and private lots."

With equal parts crab, creativity and corn hole, the Ravens tailgate is not only well done, but judging by the critics, exceptionally rare – perhaps even purple in the middle.

This article originally appeared in the Ravens Gameday Program on Dec. 30th, 2007

Baltimore’s Big Hurt

The NFL Draft is held every year in New York City. It is a highly anticipated day for fans of all 32 teams. It is a thrilling day for the hundreds of college football players selected. And it is an extremely stressful day for every one of their mothers! Just ask Deborah Grubbs, the proud mama of the first pick of the Baltimore Ravens in 2007, Ben Grubbs.

“It was exciting, but also so nerve wracking,” said Deborah. “We were all together on the day of the draft, but I couldn’t watch. Then the phone rang and Ben jumped up and he saw ‘Baltimore Ravens’ on the caller ID. Then my blood pressure went down.”

The moment was a big one for big Ben as well. “It was one of the best times of my life,” Grubbs said the day after the draft. “It was a long road here.” The road began 844 miles from Baltimore in tiny Eclectic, Alabama. The population of Eclectic is just over 1000, which means you could fit every man, woman and child from the little town with the big name inside M&T Bank Stadium – 70 times!

Ben always seemed destined to leave Eclectic and become a star on the field, but not the football field, not right away at least, that’s because Grubbs’ first love was baseball. “I was a baseball player growing up,” said Grubbs. “I thought that would be my sport. My mom helped me put a lot of time in to that [baseball], she thought it was an opportunity for me.” Mrs. Grubbs had good reason to support her son’s sweet swing. “He was always the fourth batter,” she said. “He always hit home runs.”

In 9th grade, however, Ben followed his older brother’s lead on to the gridiron and played both offense and defense for Elmore County High School. As a senior, Grubbs caught seven passes, rushed for 138 yards and scored two touchdowns as a fullback. Ben made an even bigger impact on the defensive side of the ball by registering 150 tackles, six sacks, and an interception his senior year as he did his best to imitate his favorite player and future teammate. “I was a linebacker in high school and I watched Ray,” said Grubbs when asked not only which teammate he was excited to play with, but which NFL player he was looking forward to sharing the field with the most. “He’s right here,” responded Grubbs, “Ray Lewis.”

Grubbs’ performance earned him recognition as one of the top 10 players in the state and a scholarship to play for nearby Auburn University. While in college Ben always believed he would play in the NFL one day, but he didn’t always know which position he would play. He started out as a defensive end, but as he continued to grow, he was moved to tight end before landing on the offensive line.

Being an offensive lineman might not sound like the most glamorous position in football since touchdowns are few and far between (Jonathan Ogden, one of the best lineman ever, has caught a grand total of two touchdowns in his 12-year NFL career). Their statistics, however, are actually much cooler. Just listen to these numbers posted by Grubbs during a game against Mississippi State: “Three cockroach blocks, one rodeo block and one pancake against the Bulldogs.” That’s right. Three cockroaches, one rodeo and a pancake! Maybe fantasy football leagues should consider drafting lineman. And so you can impress your friends, here are a few notes from Ben to teach you the difference between each type of block:

“A cockroach block is where we just simply cut the defender’s legs out from under him. A pancake block is when you just put the guy on his back. A rodeo is about pass protection – if I block the guy the whole time the quarterback has the ball and don’t give up any pressure, that’s a rodeo. It’s like me staying on the bull the whole time.”

While attending Auburn University, Ben Grubbs’ big build and broad smile led to comparisons with another former Auburn heavyweight who was also a two-sport star, Frank Thomas. “The Big Hurt” played both football and baseball as a Tiger, but correctly chose America’s Pastime as a career and has since hit more than 500 home runs in the Major Leagues.

Although Ben never shared more than a nickname with big Frank, he did share the field with a number of future NFL players including: Jason Campbell, quarterback for the Washington Redskins; Marcus McNeil, left tackle for the San Diego Chargers; Cadillac Williams, running back for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers; and Ronnie Brown, running back for the Miami Dolphins, who Ben will see play later this year when the Ravens travel to South Florida. The former teammates still keep in touch and the lessons learned by the players that entered the league before him seem to have rubbed off on Grubbs. For example, when Ben was asked what he took away from the mandatory NFL/NFLPA Rookie Symposium – a four-day conference that helps rookies make the transition to becoming not just a football player, but a man who plays football – he responded, “Just to be a professional. The game is bigger than you are and it will be here long after I’m done playing.”

While he is here, Ben will look to solidify a spot on the right side of the Ravens offensive line for years to come. First off, though, he does get to spend a little bit of the money he has worked so hard to earn. What is he going to buy? “I made sure to take care of me,” said Grubbs. “I bought a new truck for myself, but I’ll definitely buy something for my Mom too. Anything she wants. I’ll take care of her.”

And what does Mrs. Grubbs want? Well, as she told Ben when he first put on the pads in 9th grade, and again when he left home for training camp, “Don’t get hurt.” Fortunately for Deborah, and for all Ravens fans, #66 looks like he’ll be the one delivering punishment to oncoming defenders, cooking up pancakes, catching cockroaches and riding in the rodeo. Make sure to catch him this season. He’s Ben Grubbs – Baltimore’s Big Hurt.

This article originally appeared in the Ravens Rookies newsletters for their kids club

4,327 Days

A lot can happen in 4,327 days. The dawn of a new millennium; the rise and fall of Britney Spears; the arrival of the iPod; the departure of Seinfeld; even the Red Sox can win a World Series. And a football franchise can create and cultivate an international fan base so devout in their loyalties, that their recollections resemble something much greater than a simple game.

“It was like having a new child.” Said 58-year-old Baltimore native Jim Wroten on the return of the NFL to his hometown.

“[It’s] like getting to climb Everest for the first time.” Wrote one Ravens fan living in the United Kingdom when describing his first game at M&T Bank Stadium.

“We decided to make the 1780 mile, 2-day drive across the country.” Said Ted Siomporas on his decision to avoid the airport, but not give up tickets for the Ravens visit to Denver in the months immediately following 9/11.

4,327 days. The time between Art Modell’s historic announcement to leave Cleveland and the first game of the 2007 regular season just down I-71 in Cincinnati. In the nearly twelve years in between, Baltimore’s first round draft picks have made a combined 32 Pro Bowls, the Ravens have made the playoffs 4 times, won two AFC North titles and Super Bowl XXXV. However the most impressive feat has not occurred on the field, but rather in the stands, parking lots, bars, restaurants, living rooms, basements, high school locker rooms, office hallways and in front of computer screens around the country and across the oceans. In just more than a decade since RavensNation was founded, the fan base has flourished and now stands tall amongst the United Nations of the NFL, side by side with representatives from Steeler Country, The Dawg Pound, The Black Hole, and The Cheeseheads of Green Bay.

The show of support is not a surprise given the history of football in Baltimore and the swift success the team has had, but it may not have been expected this soon. After all, their primary color is purple. The only other NFL team to include the regal pigment in their complexion is the Minnesota Vikings, and they’ve never won a Super Bowl. The royal hue has worked extremely well in the NBA (Lakers), NHL (Avalanche), and Major League Baseball (Diamondbacks), but not on the gridiron. That is until the Ravens rolled over the Giants in Tampa Bay, sparking a sudden surge in the sale of purple camouflage pants around the world.

So how did it happen? How did purple turn potent? How did Baltimore Colts fans learn to love again? How did a retired Naval Officer become a defensive captain? How did a group of supposed soccer hooligans in the UK learn to love an American football team playing in the US? How did a family from Hawaii learn to love Ray Lewis? How will the Internet determine who follows the Ravens in the future? How did all of this happen in just 4,327 days? I’ll tell you how…

The Classic
Name: Jim Wroten
Age: 58
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Current Residence: Baltimore, MD

You probably know Jim Wroten, or at least a Jim Wroten. Jim grew up in Baltimore in the 1950’s and 60’s. Jim was a Colts fan his whole life and was ready to bestow his love of Johnny U and the white and blue to his son. But when Adam Wroten was just three years old, the Colts left town. Jim was devastated. He continued to work at the post office, support his family, and feigned interest in other NFL teams, but there was a void left behind by those Mayflower trucks.

The “Montana Effect” consumed his son, as the younger Wroten rooted for the 49ers along with the rest of the country in the 1980’s. Meanwhile, Jim’s allegiance would not waiver. As some fans found solace in watching the Redskins, Jim took it upon himself to write the NFL and tell them how upset he was that he was being forced to watch the team he had rooted against for so many years. Surprisingly, the NFL wrote back, apologizing for the way Jim felt, but added that showing the Redskins on TV gave them good ratings, apparently unaware of the collateral damage they were causing to former Colts fans.

Everything changed on November 6th, 1995. “It didn’t matter who was coming,” Said Jim on the news that the NFL was indeed returning to Baltimore. “I would be a fan [of the new team], and Adam wouldn’t have much choice either.” Now father and son are able to enjoy Baltimore football together, just as Jim imagined they would. Their season tickets are way up high in section 525, and despite sore knees from the years spent walking his postal route, Adam asserts that his Dad has never complained about the hike to “God’s Country”.

Of course Jim not only embodies the quintessential Baltimore football fan, he personifies what it means to be from Bawlmore. He didn’t want to get a team the way Baltimore lost their Colts. He would have preferred one of the expansion teams in 1993. When asked about his favorite player, his response is simply, “The Defense”. And not because of their dominance or because their highlights routinely make their way into “Jacked Up” on ESPN. No, Jim Wroten likes the defense because they illustrate how a group of individuals can come together as one. Just like all of the other Jim Wroten’s in Baltimore, who come together as one, to root for the Ravens, their second, favorite team.

The Road Warrior
Name: Ted Siomporas
Hometown: Annapolis, MD
Current Residence: Annapolis, MD

Truck driver. Flight attendant. Journalist. Soldier.

There are only a handful of professions that can list “see the country” as one of their employee benefits. Not surprisingly, many of these jobs are in the travel industry, so you would expect the chance to see cities like Denver, New Orleans, and Jacksonville. However, thanks in part to the devotion of men like Ted Siomporas, another occupation can be added to the list – Ravens Fan.

Ted has helped to redefine the idea of a Ravens road trip over the past 11 seasons. He attends 2 to 5 away games each year, and over time his experiences have provided plot lines seemingly scripted for the sliver screen, with stories of love, tragedy and hope.

In the fall of 2000, Siomporas and the Annapolis West Ravens Roost knew they picked the perfect place to pre-game along the banks of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, FL. According to Ted, Metropolitan Park is the best tailgate location in the NFL with three large pavilions, a waterfront promenade, and a marina located just minutes from ALLTEL Stadium. Apparently waterfront pavilions are also popular places to get married as Ted stumbled upon a wedding in session before the game. As it turns out, the bride and groom first met at a Ravens tailgate party in Jacksonville the year before and not only did they choose to profess their love to each other outside of the stadium where it all started, but the entire wedding party took in the game as the Ravens gave the newlyweds the wonderful gift of winning, 15-10.

When the 2001 Ravens schedule came out, Ted and his wife were quick to find tickets for the September 30th game in Denver. Their oldest daughter lived in nearby Boulder, CO and they already owned a second home in the Rockies. It appeared to be an easy vacation to plan, with housing covered and a good knowledge of the area. However, tragedy intervened on two separate occasions that would put the trip in jeopardy. The first occurred on September 11th. With the nation in mourning, the NFL suspended action the following weekend and the fate of future games was in doubt. The league did resume play two weeks later, but the country’s airports remained chaotic. So Ted, his wife, and a few friends got in their cars and drove to Denver. Seemingly over the major obstacle of getting to Colorado, the first night at their lodge, one of their friends had to be rushed to the hospital due to the combination of a heart condition and the high altitude. Understandably, the eventual 20-13 victory was sweet, but the sight of his friend, fully recovered, being chased by Denver fans that weren’t as thrilled with the outcome of the game, was one to savor.

Halloween weekend 2006 brought hope to Ravens fans after a dominating win over the division-leading Saints, but more importantly, it gave hope to the city of New Orleans. Close to 5,000 Baltimore fans, including Ted and his wife who were returning to The Big Easy after living there twenty years earlier, descended upon the city nearly 48 hours before kickoff. Although the bright lights of Bourbon Street awaited them, the reason for their early arrival was the shining moment of the weekend as Ravens fans volunteered their time to help rehabilitate a home devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The locals were quick to thank and accept the visiting fans in the French Quarter that night, as purple camo pants seemed to blend right in amongst the costumed crowd. And even though the “Ravens Suck” chants picked up steam outside the Superdome on Sunday, it was clear to see that the return of the NFL, the Ravens, and the Siomporas’s was indeed another step on the city’s road to recovery.

The British
Name: UK Ravens
Age: At least 112
Hometown: London, England
Current Residence: Tower of London and throughout the United Kingdom

The obvious question is “how?” How did a group of football fans in the UK become, well, football fans? And why do they root for the Ravens?

There are many answers, but the oldest seems to date back more than 100 years. According to British historians, ravens – the actual birds, not Ray, Ed, and Sizzle – began inhabiting the Tower of London in 1895. And according to legend, removal of the birds was thought to result in the fall of the tower and the downfall of the entire Kingdom. By that reasoning, you would expect a statue of Ray Lewis to be erected in Trafalgar Square and an act of Parliament to add a stripe of purple to the Union Jack.

Well despite the lack of national attention paid to our Charm City Footballers (sounds like a good soccer club name, right?) a patriotic few have joined together to support the Ravens and prevent the fall of England. Their reasoning is a bit more conventional.

Many of the nearly 20 group members point to a familiar date in team history for the start of their fandom – January 28th 2001. The Super Bowl is broadcast around the world and a few channel surfers in the early morning hours of what was already January 29th in London, stumbled upon a show of dominating defense, live from some far off place called Tampa Bay. They had been casual observers of the NFL before, but this style of play was something new. Joe Montana, Barry Sanders, and Walter Payton were all known in England for their scoring prowess, but in Super Bowl XXXV, the 11 men on the others side of the line were taking center stage. To a country that counts rugby as its second favorite activity on the pitch, this was now a sport worth watching. Ray Lewis and company had reeled them in – from 4,418 miles away.

Additional reasons for the group’s attraction to the Ravens include: a visit to Washington DC; a vacation to Ocean City; an online date with a man from Baltimore; and more than one UK Raven pointed to a video game as the source of their affection. In the mold of “Tecmo Bowl Bo Jackson” and “Madden Michael Vick” the Ravens Defense is a highly sought after choice, especially among defensive minded gamers. Not surprisingly, in the soccer-crazed culture of the UK, where nil-nil finals are commonplace, defense rules the day. So when deciding on which team to pick amongst the 31 ‘foreign’ cities, Baltimore and their 90+ defensive ranking was always a favorite amongst the footie fans.

As realistic as PS3 might be, a more important question could be how do these fans stay fans? There are numerous magazines, American and British websites, and even a few games broadcast live each Sunday courtesy of Sky Satellite TV. But the most fascinating technique flies in the face of the information superhighway. “A number of us subscribe to a DVD provider called Pontel that sends us the Ravens game every week on DVD.” Says Simon Beames, UK Raven of the year in 2003. According to Beames, the DVD usually arrives on Friday, but he typically ends up watching it for a second time on Sunday before putting on one of his five Ravens jerseys, purple camo pants, matching Ravens socks and boxers and settling in at his computer to follow that day’s game ‘live’ on NFL.com. Mr. Beames, Her Majesty's Armed Forces salute you.

Name: Stephanie Bjork
Age: 35
Hometown: Joppatowne, MD
Current Residence: Reston, VA

It’s date night. A first date. Time to paint your fingernails. Give yourself a pedicure. Pick out this season’s new outfit. Top it off with a purple boa and head out of the house for a night to remember. And when you arrive at your romantic rendezvous, make sure to pull out the coolers and lawn chairs – it’s time to tailgate!

Stephanie Bjork recalls that although this particular relationship didn’t quite work out, her favorite date of all time was at a Ravens/Eagles preseason game in 2006. Her preparation for the big night, however, was the same as any gameday, whether she’s watching her beloved Ravens at the stadium, at Mother’s in Federal Hill, or at her mother’s house in Joppatowne. “I paint my fingernails and toes purple from the start of the season to the finish.” Says Bjork. “And each year I wear a different player’s Jersey – I have to spread the love. I’d really like to wear Stover’s this year – he’s brought us through so many rough patches!”

Stephanie has witnessed Stover’s heroics in person, but for the most part, she’s had to follow his footsteps from Virginia and Alabama. The Maryland native watched the Colts leave Baltimore and when the NFL returned, she celebrated in The Heart of Dixie. But following the new franchise was tough and apart from a few nationally televised games, she relied on play-by-play from her Mom who would be watching back in Maryland. The long distance color commentary did more than just keep her up to date on the purple and black as she admitted, “The Ravens kept me close to home at a time when I was very homesick.”

Now living in the heart of ‘Skins country – even her roommate Elaine prefers burgundy to purple – Stephanie still finds ways to root for her Ravens. She makes sure to watch every Ravens related show on MASN throughout the season and drives her RVNSGRL-plated car to the local watering holes in Reston to cheer them on. And despite her allegiance to the team from Baltimore, the locals at the bar have learned to respect the girl who can go head-to-head with them on Colts and Ravens trivia. Her finest hour came when the Ravens shut out the Steelers last season, but the victory wasn’t the most memorable moment to emerge from the 27-0 masterpiece, rather it was the congratulatory embrace she received from a Steelers’ fan at the bar. As ESPN has taught us, “Without sports, that wouldn’t be disgusting.” But purple and yellow just don’t mix in the AFC North or Northern Virginia - I wouldn’t expect a second date anytime soon.

The Iron Fan
Name: Steve LaPlanche
Age: 54
Hometown: Glen Burnie, MD
Current Residence: Pasadena, MD

In 1956, at the age of 3, Steve LaPlanche attended his first NFL game when his father took him to Memorial Stadium to see their family friend, Johnny Unitas, and the Baltimore Colts. In the 50 years since, Steve has attended every single NFL regular season game played in Baltimore. I repeat. Fifty years. Every game.

Twenty-eight seasons of Colts football and now an 11-year run following the Ravens has earned Steve recognition from other fans, the media, the organization, Sports Illustrated and even EA Sports as the epitome of an NFL devotee. But his consecutive game streak is not what Sports Steve – a nickname that has stuck since 1975 – is most commonly known for. Sports Steve is the dude with the beads.

For up to seven hours at a time, Steve will wear nearly 50 pounds of decorative beads, along with a custom made cape, gloves, and face paint to show support for his beloved Ravens. He continues to add two sets of beads each game, which he now makes himself. Of course the beads not only attract attention from the cameras panning the stands in the end zone, but the TSA as well. Concerned about checking a bag that would appear quite suspicious under an x-ray, and to avoid the $50 heavy bag fee, Steve drove to Tennessee last year for the Ravens/Titans game. Although he won’t be driving to San Francisco this season for Baltimore’s battle in the Bay Area, he will be sure to call the airline ahead of time to let them know that Sports Steve is on his way.

So why does he do it? Why does he wear the wardrobe, attend every game and never leave early, sign autographs for kids on Ravens Walk, take pictures with anyone who will ask, participate in Ravens Roost events, host a charity Polar Bear Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics, talk to the media, visit training camp, campaign for Art Modell to be in the Hall of Fame and even include a “Go Ravens!” at the end of the voice mail message on his personal cell phone?

Maybe it was because he was there. According to the book, When The Colts Belonged To Baltimore, by William Gildea, Steve was at the Colts Training Complex in Owings Mills the night the Mayflower took his team away. Standing in the snow, LaPlanche watched the movers, as he says, “like thieves in the night”. As reported in the The New York Times, Robert Irsay claimed that one of the reasons he moved the Colts to Indianapolis was “dwindling fan support” in Maryland. Sports Steve won’t let anyone ever think that about Baltimore fans again.

“I am so passionate about Baltimore football,” said LaPlanche. “I want to keep the passion going, I want the passion to grow.” And judging by the growth in ‘passion’ around his neck, I think its safe to say the Ravens are here to stay.

Names: Tommy, Emily, and Evan Lee
Ages: 27, 27, 18 months
Hometown: Oahu/Maui, HI
Current Residence: Issaquah, WA

According to the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, “Hawaii is like no other place on Earth.” The birthplace of surfing, the hula and Chef Roy Yamaguchi, the islands of Hawaii elicit a spirit of tranquility and freedom like no other place on the planet. (The perfect weather and the Macadamia Nut Encrusted Mahi-Mahi at Roy’s restaurants throughout the islands don’t hurt either.) Hence, it is no surprise to learn that despite not having an NFL franchise, the citizens of Hawaii feel comfortable and at peace with simply selecting one of the 32 teams in the league to call their own.

“Being from Hawaii you basically get a free pass to pick a team to cheer for since we don't have an NFL team.” Says Tommy Lee, a native of Oahu, who now lives with his wife and child in Washington State. The couple found peace with the Ravens while living in the islands, and their love of the team has only grown in the years that followed. “My wife and I really liked the work ethic of Ray Lewis, and it just kind of snowballed from there.” Of course Ray has made his fair share of visits to the Aloha State – he’s been named to the Pro Bowl 8 times – so its safe to assume that more than a few football fans from the 50th state to join the Union cheer in unison for #52.

Tommy and his wife Emily remained Ravens fans when the couple crossed the Pacific into ‘hawk country after a move to the mainland. Their new hometown – Issaquah, WA – sits just 16 miles to the east of Seattle, and they’ve watched the Seahawks gain popularity since the 2005-06 season when the team made its inaugural trip to the Super Bowl. Having a hometown team, however, hasn’t altered their allegiances or their wardrobe. Tommy and his family still stand tall in their purple and black in the Emerald City, as even their 18-month old son Evan wears a Ray Lewis jersey on Sundays.

As a clear indication of where their loyalties stand, the Lee’s skipped town during last year’s playoffs while Seattle was engulfed in another potential run at the Super Bowl. They were more interested in the game being played on the other side of the country, as the couple attended their first Ravens game in person when Baltimore faced Indianapolis in the Divisional Playoffs. They caught glimpses of Brian Billick walking into the Stadium, saw Cal Ripken Jr. on the field before kickoff, and unfortunately, got a real good look at Peyton Manning and the eventual Champion Colts. “[I] lost my voice, but all in all it was a great time, despite the loss.” Presumably Tommy was referring to the game, not his voice, but he is looking forward to another chance at glory in 2007, this time on a field a little closer to home.

On December 23rd the Ravens will visit Seattle for what should be a pivotal match in determining the playoff picture in both conferences. Tommy expects a few friendly wagers at his office, but he already has an advantage over his coworkers thanks to growing up in paradise. The Aloha Spirit is an actual law on the books in Hawaii and the philosophy declares, “The Aloha Spirit elevates, empowers and enables its people.” I don’t know if the philosophers had the NFL in mind, but the spirit is certainly strong in Tommy and will be visible for all to see, “You know we'll be there in our purple camos and jerseys!”

The Captain
Name: Wes Henson
Age: 56
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Current Residence: Waldorf, MD

After 24 years of service in the Navy, Wes Henson wasn’t anticipating a return to duty. And he certainly didn’t expect the request to come from a child. But when RavensNation called, Senior Chief Henson was ready to once again serve his country with honor.

A devoted fan since the NFL returned to Baltimore in 1996, Wes began his ascension in rank when the Ravens made their franchise debut against the Oakland Raiders. His wardrobe in those early years included a throwback to his military experience - army fatigues - as well as a simple black t-shirt that read “Defense”. The outfit would seem to blend in amongst a sea of purple and black, but one young girl happened to notice Henson and asked, “Are you’re the captain of the defense?” An innocuous question stewing in the mind of a child, but the answer would lead to a Hall of Fame career.

Henson began to enhance his game day uniform after that encounter in order to fit this new persona, and by the 2000 season, “Captain Defense” stood tall in his Ravens captain’s hat and purple pompom epaulets. The Captain started to gain notoriety amongst Ravens fans tailgating in the parking lots and in the stands. Eventually, the media took notice, with stories about Captain Henson appearing in The Washington Post, USA Today, and on CNNSI.com. Of course the added attention to the commanding officer of RavensNation coincided with Baltimore’s Super Bowl run, but the recognition was not limited to the 53 men on the field in Tampa.

In 2002, Henson was rewarded for his service with an induction into the “Visa Hall of Fans” (now called the Pro Football Ultimate Fan Association) at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, OH. At the time, Visa sponsored the promotion and each year selected NFL enthusiasts from around the league that demonstrated outstanding team support. Henson received a plaque inside the shrine and took part in a parade through the streets of Canton. Of course, the home of the Hall is just 60 miles to the south of Cleveland and as Henson remarked, “They didn’t really care much for a Ravens fan.” Understandable, but Wes did befriend one Brownie backer – The Big Dawg of the famed “Dawg Pound” – and now returns to Canton each year to perform charity work along with the rest of the ultimate fans from around the country.

In a testament to the tenacity of RavensNation, Henson was neither the first, nor the last Ravens fan to receive this distinction. The first to represent the Charm City in Canton was Matt “Fan Man” Andrews. Andrews was recognized in part for his “12th Man Van”, which in actuality was an Astro Van painted purple and signed by members of his Ravens Nest, the media, players and even Johnny Unitas. After Andrews and Henson a third Raven was honored by Visa; Dale Davis, “The Ravens Maniac”. Davis could be considered a disciple of Andrews, as it was the “Fan Man” who first inspired him to put on some purple and white make-up and make a splash at a “#1 Fan” contest at their office. Dale added a some purple feathers and a pair of custom-made purple leather boots to his repertoire and transformed himself into “The Maniac” he is today.

In all, Andrews, Davis, and Henson comprise an elite unit of faithful fans that have helped put Baltimore football on par with the perennial powers of NFL fandom. From Mile High to The Frozen Tundra; from The Spiking Viking to the Packalope; Captain Defense and company have given their Ravens an imposing 12th man in the battle to make it back to the Super Bowl. And no one wants to wind up in Arizona more than Henson as he watched SB XXXV from the ESPN Zone at the Inner Harbor, despite having a ticket for the big game. Henson stayed behind with a friend who was in the hospital with a life-threatening ailment. Thankfully, his friend made it through okay and Henson was able to watch his Ravens win with a clear conscious. To honor such gallantry, the fans of this great Nation of Ravens can only hope the call comes through for Captain Defense to report for duty in Glendale next February.

Fan 2.0
Name: You
Age: All
Hometown: The World
Current Residence: Your Hard Drive

I was born at the crack of the 1980’s and as a result, I grew young with Nickelodeon, MTV and ESPN at my fingertips – although the remote control was still a few years away. My point is that I was able to experience sports and entertainment like my parents and their parents could never imagine. If I wanted my MTV or my Oakland A’s scores, (Mark McGwire was still the All American Hero at that point), I could have it. I didn’t have to wait until the morning paper to find out who won the big game. I didn’t have to watch the game live to see the best plays. And as my Bash Brother reference alludes to, I didn’t even have to root for my local team. I grew up in New Jersey a fan of the OAKLAND A’s, DALLAS Cowboys, CHARLOTTE Hornets and SYRACUSE University athletics.

Now more than 25 years later, a new dawn is rising over the world of sports, one that is not being played on the field, but rather, is playing out on the World Wide Web. Welcome to Web 2.0 - the mix of media and the masses. In 2006, the Time Magazine Person of the Year was You. Yes, you. And as Lev Grossman wrote in his story about why You deserved such an honor, “It's…about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before.” The convergence of broadband access at home and on your phone, coupled with the growth of citizen media (i.e. blogs) and social networking websites (i.e. MySpace) has given sports fans the ability to not only read about their favorite teams year round, but they are now the ones providing the commentary.

Standing on the front lines, or rather sitting in coffee shops with their laptops, are the bloggers. These citizen journalists spend their nights and weekends providing witty remarks about their team, the competition, their fantasy roster, their theories about LOST, what plays the team should start using more, who they should take in the draft, why the back-up quarterback is ready to start, who will replace Bush in ‘08 and the reason their team deserves more respect from the rest of the blogosphere. I stand guilty as charged, but I’m not the only one. Recently, The Sports Business Journal included two “bloggers” in their list of the 20 Most Influential People in Online Sports (Bill Simmons of ESPN Page 2 and Will Leitch of Deadspin).

The birthplace of the sports blogger lies buried in the message boards and forums now standard on most fan-focused websites. The ability to share your thoughts on the sports topic of the day, and then have a virtual conversation with your peers gave rise to these new stars of cyberspace – members whose postings were anticipated and sought after. Many citizens of RavensNation, including a few of the fans profiled in this story, point to a now defunct message board moderated by The Baltimore Sun – at SunSpot.net– as the writing pool in which they first dipped their virtual feet. The friends they made and the ‘friendly conversations’ they had helped galvanize an online community still active today on multiple Baltimore fan sites – including the newest nest for these fans to gather in the forums section of the Ravens official website.

The shining stars of Web 2.0 – MySpace and YouTube – have also played a large role in the emergence of Fan 2.0. MySpace – considered the epicenter of the social networking movement – has 38 active groups dedicated to the Baltimore Ravens. These groups, in turn, have thousands of members that all choose to label themselves as Ravens fans on their personalized home pages. Simultaneously, the growth of YouTube has allowed fans to create their own music videos that pay tribute to the purple and black, which they in turn post on their MySpace page. This cyber cycle has resulted in the creation of more than 260 Ravens related videos on YouTube alone.

Of course the power of the Internet in cultivating a fan base is still not entirely clear. Grossman admits that Web 2.0 is still a “massive social experiment”. Regardless, what is certain is that Ravens fans are now able to blog, post, comment, review, critique, support, second guess, predict, research, rant and rave about what the team will do both on and off the field. And with the popularity of the NFL keeping pace with the technological revolution, it’s evident that being a fan has become a 24-7-365 pursuit. All that’s required is an Internet connection, the desire to participate, and a passion preferably for the men in purple. But all opinions are welcome on the new Web, just be prepared for replies, comments, reviews, critiques, support, second guessing and above all else, an open conversation with the citizens of RavensNation.

This article originally appeared in the 2007 Official Ravens Yearbook (August 2007)